Simple Health Benefits of Steam Inhalation

Simple Health Benefits of Steam Inhalation Hello Everyone, My name is Hollis Stewart and I’m from Inspired By God Ministries, and I’m here to give you all some information about the things that is on everybody’s lips… And that…
How to Lose Weight In Only 3 Days

How to Lose Weight In Only 3 Days Obesity is now being called an epidemic in the health In fact, it will soon be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, even ahead of cigarette
Are Hair Dyes & Straightening Products Safe?

Are Hair Dyes & Straightening Products Safe? Are Hair Dyes & Straightening Products Safe? For years, women have done so much to change their hair texture, hair color and length with As women we have tried almost everything we…
Proper Preparation of Grains

Proper Preparation of Grains This article is about the proper preparation of grains, it is very informative, so please read Grains have a special protection on them called phytic acid (also called an This phytic acid prevents the grain…
Constipation Remedy Using Apples And Other Juices

Constipation Remedy Using Apples And Other Juices Here are two constipation remedies that you can use for a mild case of constipation and for a chronic case of Apple and Pear Juice If you have a mild case of…
Ginseng Tea

Ginseng Ginseng tea is great for short periods; this tea can alleviate many symptoms of common aliments and lessen Ginseng is the main ingredient to many of the medicinal However, prolonged use can lead to insomnia and heart…
Why You Need Bacteria In Your Colon

Bacteria in your colon are referred to by many different names Bacteria in your colon are referred to by many different names – probiotics, good or bad bacteria, beneficial bacteria, acidophilus, disbiosis, micro flora, friendly flora, and unfriendly
Halve Your Risk Of Breast Cancer

Halve Your Risk Of Breast Cancer We hear it all the time…lose weight for your Few people however, realize the extent to which this is critical to their physical well-being and ultimately their life The Journal of the…
Cholesterol Facts

Cholesterol With all the news and warnings about the dangers of high cholesterol, many people view cholesterol as a “bad” substance that should be eliminated completely from our In truth, cholesterol serves some important functions in the In…