Who We Are.

Greetings to you and welcome to our ministry. We are inspired by God ministries. We are a family faith based ministry that has decided to spend our lives helping others. We first began this mission because we saw that many people in today’s world are plagued with some of the worst diseases—from Cancer to Multiple Sclerosis. We also thought about the principle that when Christ was here on the earth, He healed the sick, raised the dead and performed many miracles. He is still doing this today, and we have been convicted to collaborate with him to educate those who would like to know and understand a better way. 


Our Team

The Stewart Family

Shentoya, Zavian & Hollis

Instead of focusing on weight, diabetes, and high blood pressure we concentrate on the root cause of these problems. This inevitably leads not only to weight loss and reductions in blood pressure and blood sugars, but to feeling better in general, and overall improvement in health. 

We have been traveling the world and educating others about how these simple principles can change their lives. Through extensive training and understanding in the Word of God, we have equipped ourselves in knowing how the body works and what to do when the body is not in health physically, mentally and spiritually. Are we medical physicians? No, and we don’t profess to be. God is the great physician and we point people to Him so that He can be revealed in their lives and give them the healing that they so desperately need. “Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 2

Detox Programs
Health Seminars
Mission Trips

How all these things can serve you...

You may be asking yourself what’s in it for me? That’s a good question. We work with individuals just like you. We can share with you much valued information to get you back on the right track. We also share health tips, healthy cooking recipes, meal plans, health care, and body care products, Bible studies, and training classes where we take you step by step through the Biblical approach to understanding sickness and disease. God does still heal and his healing is whole and complete.