God’s Ways Work!!

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God’s Ways Work!!

My name is Hollis Stewart from Inspired By God Ministries, and we are here at the sanctuary outpost located in Oklahoma to show you how God’s ways work! We are here with Pastor Emmanuel Nougaisse from Amazing Word Ministry. We are here because we had a house full of health guest each suffering from the pandemic, and each one of them had different symptoms related to the virus. This Pastor was one of our health guests that came down with the endemic. Can you just give them your experience? How you felt, when you got here and how your body was reacting, stuff like that?

Well, it was something that I’ve never felt or experienced before when it began. I thought that this was something that I was familiar with because it started out with my body feeling like I was hit by a truck, like I had overworked and was tired, but by the time I realized what was going on it was days later. It was just around that time I got here and It was bad when I got here, but I thank god for bringing me to this place to get the help that I needed.

The support that was needed the pastor received! God’s ways work!

The pastor had some periods where temperature was up and down that I mean I think at one time it reached 105 degrees. There was sometimes we were very worried for him. You know the human body temperature shouldn’t be above 104 degrees for so long, but by faith we were able to bring it back down to normal. We were using God’s Natural Remedies and we were able to beat the virus and to bring the temperature down back into normal range..

Question -Tell us some of the stuff that you experienced and what you did, how how you could give the people out there hope that the virus can be overcome ?

Answer- I was constantly having fever and the highest fever I had was 105 degrees. at one point i was very scary, but we kept trusting in the Lord, and we leaned on His Natural Remedies. The treatments, hydrotherapy breathing inhalation and others. All of those things that we were doing here, we kept trusting in that and by God’s grace, the fever started to go down to 102, and then it was just stuck in the 99 range for a while it stuck there until It went back to normal.

My body, I did not feel to eat and I wanted to throw up. One of the signs. Is your taste bud? You know the your taste bud the saliva, everything tastes like metallic, it’s kind of bitter and sour, and then all of the food that you put in your mouth doesn’t matter. Even If it’s a banana, or a grape, or rice, they all taste the same, and so, as a result of that, you don’t feel like eating. You don’t feel like putting anything in your mouth and that is the worst thing to do, because that is exactly what the virus wants you to do. I lost about 10 to 15 pounds.

I had major breathing problem Well, i thought for a moment. I was having some kind of breathing problem but that didn’t really last. It was just for a short moment, I was hearing news about others who were going through the same thing, and then they were having difficulty breathing. That was one of my biggest worries you know having my lungs to shutting down like somebody was having asthma attack, but by God’s grace this was just a brief moment. Maybe 10 15 minutes.

We believe the core of it is that there’s having that kind of pneumonia comes in the fluid building up in the lungs and what we do here you got to experience it is that if you could take care of the fluid being build up in Your lungs get it out a lot of herbs to cause you to bring up a lot of mucus to keep the temperature down, because it’s either going to be a virus pneumonia or a bacterial pneumonia. The idea is that to get all the fluid or the Phlem out and that way you can open up the airways that you could be able to breathe and we always have the o2 sensor checking to make sure that your two levels is between normal range

That was just one thing. There are many things that we do here when it comes to the herbs.

Those who cannot make it to a center, a lifestyle center to get some treatment and to find out how God’s ways work all the time. There are some things you can do at home, such as, take lots of Vitamin C. Vitamin c is key to that, and also they can always call if they cannot. Yes, they can always call. They can always call, and that’s one thing: we are always a phone call away, because we know everybody cannot come here God has natural ways and we could point you in the direction how you can be able to get these things right home in your local areas, you could be able to get the things and be able to keep yourself from the emergency room and to keep yourself out from getting that drug- that drug that they’re giving right now that is shutting down everyone’s vital organs, that is killing people.

We have other testimonies of the other health guests that overcame this disease. By God’s grace we had nine people and how much people were bad. How much people left how many um? Well, everybody survived. So that means that’s like 100 percent success rate.

What we want to share with you today, please give us a call at 479-647-0824, and we will help you to build up your natural immune system. This is why God advise us to set up sanitariums to help people overcome disease. I just want to say that God’s Way Works!! So let us believe in the health reform message and the right arm of the gospel, which is the medical missionary work

Thank you very much stay tuned.

For More Information:
Call Us: 479-647-0824
Email: info@inspiredbygodministries.com

See Videos Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ_0I4B4afQeIaO7TBMq5QQ

Ministry Website: [https://inspiredbygodministries.com/]

Training School Website: [https://inspiredonlinebibleschool.com/]

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